Using the Java CLI via JSONiq queries

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Setup a Shell

First, you should make sure to download the current sirix-query-all.jar (SNAPSHOT)-release from the OSS snapshot repository in the sirix-query subfolder. (or you can get it locally in your /bundles/sirix-query/build/libs directory after doing ./gradlew build)

You can then add a shell script on linux(like) systems, for instance named


java -DLOGGER_HOME=~/sirix-data -Xms3g -Xmx8g --enable-preview --add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=jdk.unsupported/sun.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=jdk.compiler/ --add-opens=jdk.compiler/ --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED -XX:+UseZGC -jar sirix-query-0.10.4-all.jar -iq

Make sure to adapt the JAR file to the downloaded version. (Rename the JAR sirix-query-0.10.4-all.jar in script to the JAR you are using)

In order to execute queries, open sirix shell through following command:


Example to execute queries:

sirix > let $doc := jn:doc('mycol.jn','resource2')
> return rename json $ as "bar"
> (make sure to give last as NULL, Simply Enter)

Query result:

On Windows, you can create a batch file accordingly.

Import of data

Download and unpack a zipped directory with two simple JSON files, an object.json and an array.json file into the same directory as the JAR and the shell-script.

The array JSON file is as simple as:

["bla", "blubb"]

The object JSON file:

{"foo": true}

Now we can import the directory into a SirixDB database as follows:

jn:load('mycol', (), io:ls('/path/to/your/json/directory', '\\.json$'))

If your JSON directory (named json) is in same folder as and JAR, give path to query as follows:

jn:load('mycol', (), io:ls('json', '\\.json$'))

In order to query the contents we can open the database using the jn:collection function:


The quey result will be:

{"foo":true} ["bla","blubb"]

Of course you can query single documents either by looping over the result of jn:collection or via jn:doc:


Updates and time travel queries

You can update resource2 in the database/collection mycol.jn via JSONiq update statements:

let $doc := jn:doc('mycol.jn','resource2')
return rename json $ as "bar"

This query renames the field foo to bar. The implicit read-write transaction is automatically committed.

SirixDB only ever appends data and never overwrites old revisions. Thus, we can, of course, load the first revision via an optional third parameter to the jn:doc function:


will retrieve the first revision of the resource:


The new revision can be queried using (we can omit specifying revision 2 as it’s equivalent):


Result is:


Time travel functions to retrieve the state of nodes in different revisions

With the function jn:all-times we can retrieve all revisions of the resource (or any node in the revision):


Result is:

{"foo":true} {"bar":true}

Other temporal functions exist to navigate not only in space, but also in time.

  • jn:previous: Retrieve the node in the previous revision
  • jn:next: Retrieve the node in the next revision
  • jn:first: Retrieve the node in the first revision
  • jn:last: Retrieve the node in the last revision
  • jn:future: Retrieve the node in the future revisions
  • jn:past: Retrieve the node in the past revisions

we can also change the value via:

let $doc := jn:doc('mycol.jn','resource2')
return replace json value of $ with false

Thus, we now have 3 revisions:

let $revisions := jn:all-times(jn:doc('mycol.jn','resource2'))
for $revision in $revisions
return {"revision": sdb:revision($revision), "timestamp":sdb:timestamp($revision), "data": $revision}

Result is:

{"revision":1,"timestamp":"2023-11-19T22:17:55:717000Z","data":{"foo":true}} {"revision":2,"timestamp":"2023-11-19T22:19:38:157000Z","data":{"bar":true}} {"revision":3,"timestamp":"2023-11-20T17:59:38:68000Z","data":{"bar":false}}

The timestamps are the transactional commit timestamps, the system time when data is known to the system (one axis of the bitemporality).

If we want to search for a specific timestamp, we can for instance specify:


The result is the second revision (as the third revision was committed one day later):


System Time: retrieve all states of a resource between two given timestamps

If you want to retrieve all states of a resource between two timestamps (transaction/system commit time), you can invoke the following:

let $revisions := jn:open-revisions('mycol.jn','resource2',xs:dateTime('2023-11-19T00:00:00-00:00'),xs:dateTime('2023-11-19T23:00:00-00:00'))
for $revision in $revisions
return {"revision": sdb:revision($revision), "timestamp":sdb:timestamp($revision), "data": $revision}

The result for my database is as follows:

{"revision":1,"timestamp":"2023-11-19T22:17:55:717000Z","data":{"foo":true}} {"revision":2,"timestamp":"2023-11-19T22:19:38:157000Z","data":{"bar":true}}

Of course, the system times when a specific revision has been created are different on your computer.

Change tracking: what has been changed between consecutive revisions

To check what has been updated between revisions of a resource we can use the following query:

let $maxRevision := sdb:revision(jn:doc('mycol.jn','resource2'))
let $result := for $i in (1 to $maxRevision)
                 if ($i > 1) then
                   jn:diff('mycol.jn','resource2',$i - 1, $i)
return [
  for $diff at $pos in $result
  return {"diffRev" || $pos || "toRev" || $pos + 1: jn:parse($diff).diffs}

Result is:


Each node is assigned a unique, monotonically increasing 64Bit nodeKey (ID), which never changes and is not reassigned once the node has been removed. In our example we first updated the field name in revision 2 to "bar". We then replace the value, the node with nodeKey 3 and true with a new node getting nodeKey 4 assigned having the value false.

Adding a database/resource from a specific URL

We can also add resources from a specific URL (as in this Twitter example):



Name / object field indexes

jn:store('json-path1','mydoc.jn','[{"test": "test string"},{"test": ["a", {"testfield": "test blabla string", "foo": {"testfield": true}}, null, "b", "c"]}]')
let $doc := jn:doc('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn')
let $stats := jn:create-name-index($doc, ('testfield','test'))
return {"revision": sdb:commit($doc)}
let $doc := jn:doc('mycol.jn','mydoc.jn')
let $nameIndexNumber := jn:find-name-index($doc, 'testfield')
for $node in jn:scan-name-index($doc, $nameIndexNumber, 'testfield')
order by sdb:revision($node), sdb:nodekey($node)
return {"nodeKey": sdb:nodekey($node), "path": sdb:path($node), "revision": sdb:revision($node)}

Path indexes

CAS (content-and-structure) indexes

jn:store('json-path1','mydoc.jn','[{"test": "test string"},{"test": ["a", {"blabla": "test blabla string"}, null, "b", "c"]}]')
let $doc := jn:doc('json-path1','mydoc.jn')
let $stats := jn:create-cas-index($doc, 'xs:string', '//[]')
return {"revision": sdb:commit($doc)}
let $doc := jn:doc('json-path1','mydoc.jn')
let $casIndexNumber := jn:find-cas-index($doc, 'xs:string', '/[]/test/[]')
for $node in jn:scan-cas-index($doc, $casIndexNumber, 'b', '==', '/[]/test/[]')
order by sdb:revision($node), sdb:nodekey($node)
return {"nodeKey": sdb:nodekey($node), "node": $node, "path": sdb:path(sdb:select-parent($node))}